Benchmark. Build. Embed.

Build better culture,
Increase engagement,
Manage psychosocial
risks... all in REAL TIME

New Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation requires organisations to consult with staff to identify and manage psychosocial hazards in the workplace. However, we know this can be challenging due to the stigma associated with mental health.

Now you can identify psychosocial risks quickly, efficiently and in real time, helping you meet your Work Health and Safety (WHS) responsibilities, while improving staff engagement and building better a culture.

Why Benchmark?

“…Measuring progress is often like watching grass grow. While it’s difficult to detect movement on a daily basis, it’s simple to see growth over time…” – Frank Sonnenberg

Benchmarking is a way of discovering where we are. It helps us to identify gaps in our organisation that might be barrier to optimised culture. Once we are clear what themes and issues we are dealing with, we can plan and execute focused initiatives to drive results.

One of the biggest pitfalls for culture is leaders assuming they know how their people are feeling and what they are thinking. In organisations, assumption creates false information which drives misguided planning and misplaced action, and often creates unintentional disengagement.

Get the culture conversation started today with your teams.



 of leaders say that working with us changed the way they lead



 of executives say that employee engagement is critical to business success


Why Choose Archispeaks?

Benchmarking company culture.

Evidence Based

Our unique framework for benchmarking offers an evidence based approach to identification of psychosocial risk. 

Increased Engagement

Engagement is key to operational success. Our model embeds the five pillars for increased engagement.

Focus On Leaders

Enhancing leadership skills is key to improving workplace culture. Leadership capability drives culture change.

Real Time Insights

Offering you real time data to identify, manage and monitor psychosocial risk. 

WHS Compliant

Identify issues, respond immediately and monitor progress, ensuring innovation and productivity while meeting compliance requirements.

Leverage ROI

Measuring investment in culture, improvement in attraction and retention, and demonstrating the link between culture and outcomes.

Three Simple Steps

To Culture Transformation

Your Questions Answered

We understand and we have all the answers you need…

Benchmarking is a way of discovering where we are and It helps us to identify gaps in our organisation (themes and issues) that might be a barrier to improved or optimised culture. Once we are clear about what themes and issues we are dealing with, we can plan and execute focused initiatives to drive results. 

Once we are clear about what themes and issues we are dealing with, we can plan and execute focused initiatives to drive results and improve culture.

One of the biggest pitfalls for culture is leaders assuming they know how their people are feeling and what they are thinking. We all know what they say about assumption, right? In organisations, assumption creates false information which drives misguided planning and misplaced action and often creates unintentional disengagement.

Organisational outcomes linked with improved cultures, such as increased engagement, better productivity, reduced conflict and absenteeism, better press, improved organisational narrative (because culture is largely built on shared stories and understanding of the environment we operate in), all start with asking your people what is going on for them. Listening to what they say and responding in a future-focused, solutions-oriented, collaborative way.

Resilience builds better culture.

It expands teams, enhances outcomes. It creates clarity of thought and cuts through in communications.

When we are resilient, we think more clearly, we reach further, we respond versus react. Resilience builds better teams, plain and simple. We open more and listen differently. We collaborate more effectively. We lead from the front. We are present, curious, conscious, and consistent. We feel happier. We inspire others. We share responsibly. We take decisive action.

They synthesise results, expand outcomes and engage more fully.

Engagement explodes productivity, focused action enables razor-sharp focus.

Culture is little more than the sum-total of our relationships so the more we invest in people, the more we develop human bonds, the better placed we are to resolve conflict, negotiate outcomes deliverables, agree on timelines, workload and role accountability. The more we communicate with clarity, the more purposeful we become in our actions.

When everyone on the team becomes more purposeful, communicates for outcomes and approaches issues in a respectful and collaborative way, enhanced outcomes are a natural side effect.

Read more: Culture Utopia: the myths regarding engagement (Featured on Success NQ)

Employees are a company’s greatest asset. Attract and retain the best. Provide them   with encouragement. They are an integral part of the company’s mission.

Individual action has a cumulative impact. When it comes to culture, the small efforts of many results in big changes. Help to link the hearts and minds of your employees by building resilience and watching how they begin to drive and adapt to change.

Resilience breeds productivity. Culture starts with understanding individuals, with provides pathways for them to connect who they are with what they do. Personal connection is the secret sauce of culture change. Individual action has a cumulative impact. When it comes to culture, the small efforts of many results in big changes. Help to link the hearts and minds of your employees by building resilience and watching how they begin to drive and adapt to change.

Aspects to build resilience:

Physical Resilience – Eat, sleep, move! When we get the foundations right, we are off to a great start. Take the time to ask yourself the basics you need to revisit/reset.

Social Resilience -Connecting with others helps us to experience belonging. Take time to greet your colleagues, have a laugh together, support others and ask for help when you need it. Connection creates collaboration.

Emotional Resilience – Developing perspective helps us from experience and resolve conflict. Emotional intelligence drives self-reflection, adjustment, development and progress toward goals. 

Cognitive Resilience – Insight illuminates but action drives outcomes. Connect with goals, reassess priorities and plan for action.

Individuals need the opportunity to develop insight, take action and expand outcomes. Organisations must reflect and respond, integrating feedback and applying the technique of ‘inspired engagement’. This combination of insight and action, at the individual and organisational level, is the cornerstone of building a better culture.

Good culture is created through 3 simple (but not always easy) steps, benchmark, build and embed.

Stratcomm helps organisations to build better culture through strategy and consulting, team and leadership development, culture benchmarking and online programs.

If enabled, culture provides a pathway for people to get connected to, own and embed the essence of your organisation in what they do, every day. Like many things in life (and in our organisations), when it comes to culture it really is the small efforts that have the biggest impact.

Culture cannot live and breathe unless it is owned at the local level and demonstrated through relationship development, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. Results are not the focus but naturally follow when those energies are present in a group that is working towards an agreed outcome, which is clearly defined and for which they are adequately enabled.


  1. Build Resilience – Resilience is essential to wellbeing, individually and in order for individuals to thrive versus just survive during times of stress, change and challenge.
  2. Align Actions and Intentions – A detailed look at positive and negative workplace behaviours using the above and below the line mode.
  3. Develop Insights – We have to consider the impact of our experiences and emotions, think about whether we are getting the results we want in life and consider alternate approaches to get us closer to the outcomes we are looking for.
  4. Manage Impacts – Identifying key stressors and developing strategies to manage stress effectively requires an understanding of stress response and reactions.
  5. Embrace Change –  Offers a deep dive into the common experiences that accompany change and the impacts these can present on the team dynamics.
  6. Control the Story – It is human nature to observe and judge. We all have stories, about our colleagues, our manager, our partners, our family and friends, the man at the corner shop, etc. If we don’t learn to control our stories, our stories control us.
  7. Communicate For Outcomes – Moves beyond traditional models of passive, assertive and aggressive communication styles.
  8. Find Your Flow – Flow is described as “focused motivation” and is closely linked to the experience of happiness. Characterised by “complete absorption”.
  9. Engage For Optimism – There are some known unhelpful thinking patterns that have been identified as problematic when it comes to collaboration.
  10. Integrate And Expand – Individuals can use this model to develop a balanced perspective of areas of improvement, strength and opportunity as they relate to organisational objectives, behaviours and performance.
  1. BENCHMARK – The process of discovery, is essential to optimising culture because it helps us to identify gaps and barriers.
  2. BUILD – Giving people a common language and the toolkit to turn their insights into action inspires communication and enlivens culture, collaboration arises from a conversation. Conscious Leaders anchor culture by providing pathways to link the hearts and minds of individuals and guide purposeful action.
  3. EMBED – This means ensuring the presence of culture across the entire employee lifecycle so that it is felt from the onboarding right through to the exit experience.
Stay Informed
Want to keep your finger on the pulse?

Archispeaks is an innovative culture benchmarking app, designed to capture and aggregate employee feedback, in real time. A simple survey style set of questions measure employee experience, wellbeing and perception of leadership, teamwork and areas for improvement.

A customisable dashboard offers dynamic, real-time insight that can be viewed at team, region or organisation level, offering valuable insights that shape business strategy.

Archispeaks offers an integrated approach to transformational change, engaging employees confidentially and identifying solutions which are evidence based and contextualised to your organisational environment.

Archispeaks delivers valuable insight into what lies at the heart of organisational issues, supporting organisations to build better culture.

Talk to Archi today!

  • Real time insights
  • Increased engagement and team performance
  • Linking culture to outcomes
  • Measuring culture

Changing the way organisations measure and manage culture

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